A Youtube Channel for African Leadership Program!

Hi everyone,

We just created a Youtube Channel to post videos of 2012 African Leadership Program: http://www.youtube.com/user/AfricanLP?feature=mhee

Don't hesitate to take a look at it!

You will particularly learn a new way to fight cold in Canada! Thx Sylvester, Selase and Patrun!

Florian Villaumé
Team Leader of African Leadership Program

More Videos from the African Leadeship Program

Young Samanyika, 2012 ALP fellow from Malawi, shares his learning and action plan after his work placement training at Hatch on January 23-27 in Toronto.

African Leaders on the Accountability Challenge

Participants of the African Leadership Program share their learning and action plan after receiving training from the Coady International Institute, a world-renowned centre of excellence in community-based development and leadership education, from January 16-18, 2012.

The Untold Story

Its 7:30pm, the weather is so cold(-10C) and we are waiting at a popular Tim Hotters downtown Toronto, for Paster Joe to come lead us on a "sandwitch handout" to homeless people on the streets of Canada. THE HOMELESS ON THE STREET OF CANADA?!!!!! Did I just say that?

Yes,its so cold out there,we walking, street by street, led by paster Joe and my feets and hands are so cold to freezing point with burning sensation. We walk to these homeless people who sleeps on the streets in the cold handing down sandwitches and my eyes are moved to tears!!! People wraped in sheets of rubber and blankets, sleeping on card boards out there in the cold. after 1 hour of walking, I can barely walk, my feets hurts, my coat is not helping, neither is my hand gloves doing me any good, yet people out there have to put up 24/7 with the cold, not knowing where the worth is going to come or the next sandwitch guys are going to pass by!!!

I stop by for a moment to interact with one of the homeless and all he ever needed was a look in the eyes to make him feel some worth, a chat to make him feel loved and cared for. A hand shake to make him feel stronge!! One of them had the inscription, "God created us the same but 'we' have created differences"

Is this the Canada that I have heard of? the Canada of rich people who own fancy cars,computers, phones, Tablets and of that? Is this the canada that caters for its own that no one is left behind to suffer like those on the streets? Is this the canada young people like my age in Ghana wants to badly to visit and will do all the "sakawa" to get the money and documents that they need to travel to? COULD THIS BE THE UNTOLD STORY?

Well, the cold was so severe I had to take shelter at a restaurant close by and enback on a "routine dance move" to shake off the cold!!! Then I ask myself: How many dance moves thus these homeless people have to in a day to keep warm? How many sandwitches can we handover to them to give them enough energy to fight this hash weather? How long can Paster Joe keep mobilising people to help out with handing out sandwitches? we can all be the source to warmth to these homeless people who live right at our door steps!!! Let just say 'Dorothy's sister who lives right here needs our attention too.............

L'ambition permet de construire

« Je travaille dure pour faire ce que j’aime pour m’assurer de ne pas travailler dur pour ce que je hais. »
Travailler dans le développement en Afrique et au Burkina Faso, c’est travailler sans relâche et sans répit, c’est tomber et se relever, c’est espérer, c’est croire, c’est être convaincu, c’est avoir une vision etc. Depuis 18 mois, je parcoure les milieux ruraux du Burkina Faso avec tous ces sentiments avec une merveilleuse organisation Ingénieurs Sans Frontières pour donner plus de sens à l’effort consenti par une multitude de personnes, mais aussi donner du sens à ma vie à travers ma contribution au bien être des autres. C’est une situation plus qu’heureuse de parvenir à donner au monde plus que le monde ne t’en a donné.
Léo est une petite ville située au centre ouest du Burkina Faso où vit une population aimable et fidèle à la terre depuis la nuit des temps. Climatiquement pas des plus rayonnantes, mais n’a rien non plus à envier au Nord du pays, les populations reposent leur espoir sur une agriculture fortement dépendante des aléas climatiques. En d’autres termes, la nature décide beaucoup de quand récompenser ou non les efforts de ces vaillants producteurs. Cette année par exemple, elle a décidé que non. ET moi aussi j’en ai été victime, moi qui ai essayé pour la première fois de produire sur quatre (04) hectares de sésame. C’est au cœur de cette belle ville et havre d’épanouissement, c’est parmi cette population adorable, qu’est née une ambition, un rêve d’enfant, c’est là que la naïveté s’est exprimée, c’est là que la flamme s’est allumée et n’est pas prête de s’éteindre, c’est là qu’est né et grandi le désir d’un jeune contribuer en orientant ses actions, ses ambitions, son énergie pour relever les défis du secteur rural, bâtir sur le potentiel existant à travers un appui multiforme aux organisations paysannes particulièrement les coopératives agricoles.
« Un séjour au Canada, ce n’est pas une offre que refuserait un Burkinabè ou un Africain « normal » », dirait un africain « normal ». Mais un séjour au Canada, ce n’est pas seulement voir des grattes ciels, ce n’est pas seulement marcher sur la neige et prendre de belles photos, ce n’est pas seulement, mais c’est aussi et surtout rencontrer des personnes intéressantes et apprendre de la culture et du mode de vie et de travail, c’est aussi et surtout avoir une perspective plus réelle, c’est aussi et surtout apprendre utile, c’est aussi et surtout dupliquer les apprentissages utiles en Afrique etc. bref c’est en un mot vivre une expérience utile pour soi et pour les autres.
Apprendre de la culture est une richesse, apprendre du travail est une richesse, partager sa culture est aussi une riche contribution.
Pour toutes les personnes impliquées (ingénieurs sans frontières, ma famille d’accueil, SOCODEVI) pour rendre pour mon séjour agréable et surtout UTILE au Canada, je leur suis reconnaissant et je leur dis : on va passer de moments culturels et professionnels riches ensemble.

Hermann NARE, Burkina Faso. Professionnel dans l’appui aux coopératives.


Its 11:55am and am about to board a bus to Toronto from Ottawa. As we stand infront of the Delta City Center packing our bags into the bus, I reminiscent hours earlier how conference had been. A a memorable event I did wish will never came to an end, but ofcourse, everything that has a begining has an end. As we board the bus and drive away I can still feel the vibe, energy , enthusiasm, passion and desire in young people like myself never seen any where else before. This is like nothing ever experienced. Being surrounded by people who desire the good for others, who are living the true meaning of the word Universe-"Uni-one", "verse-spirit, heart , mind".

I can still feel the screams, telling in my head, the screams of excitment and action, one that says we are powerful beyond measure, one that says there is nothing we can't acomplish. I can still feel the challenging words from the speakers, gearing us to "fail" and not remain there, but to learn in the process and do it better and better. I can still feel them inspiring us not be satisfied with any achievement that we have acomplished so far, so that even though we are engineers without borders, we can push the borders of our failures till we are perfect.

As I ride this six hours bus trip to Toronto I envisage what lies ahead of me, and am convinced that my journey has just began.

To all the beautiful people I met, I say lets keep the spirit real and alive, lets fun into flames the fire of make the world and Africa in particular a better place to live. "mbon faa....." Mo ne y3....."

THE WAIT.......

And so on a ususal friday morning when I expect things to be regular and normal, things aren't. Well the anxiety with a mix of excitement and the "can't wait" feeling just wont let my day be normal. The thoughts of having a feel of a family expereince in Canada, making new friends, working at City of cambridge and CH2M HILL, interracting with like minds at the 2012 EWB Conference, keeps we beaming with smiles except for the fact that the flight changes is indeed going to shorten my canada experience by 4 days!!! I indeed cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!